Okies, I'm doing fine at the moment. Mind is really good for me and I've met a new friend, Cass, who I'll tell you more about when I'm allowed to, well I haven't asked her permission yet so we'll see won't we *giggles*.
I'm really doing well in the kitchen at mind and slowly getting my confidence back and the dips I made for the Wedgies were really popular. An extra boost was when my friend told me my novel is worth finishing as she was really gripped, wow my life is just getting good again. The only draw back was cutting my finger with a knife when I did the spuds but it wasn't bad and I didn't yelp or scream or anything and it was only as bad as when I jabbed a needle accidentally into my cuticle on Monday during textiles *yow!*
Sixth Army Group is going well. I feel at home there now, though not enough to post more than I do or show things (those figures they do are ace and better than anything I could do, but I'm trying anyway, or so my dad says :/ hmmm.)
I have added some pics for you to enjoy, nothing spectacular but hey ho..they will do for today.
Thanks for reading.
PanzerGirrl X X X